A Date with Destiny
In this ‘Date with Destiny’ interview, David and Linda joyfully come together to explore an incredibly deep and foundational topic, one that lies “at the bottom of it all,” according to David. With great enthusiasm, David shares that our date with destiny is the most significant date we could ever have. It is the date that sets our minds free, as our ultimate destiny is the remembrance of our true identity: Spirit, at one with God.
In essence, our destiny is to live in total joy; a glorious inheritance bestowed upon us by our Creator. David emphasizes that this realization can only bring immense relief and relaxation to the mind, as we recognize how abundantly loved we are and always have been! And this agape love, unconditional and unwavering, cannot be diminished. It remains forever unchanging.
Jesus: A Gospel of Love on Destiny: “We know when we're feeling those feelings of emptiness, like, What's the point? It's like that Beatles song, "Another Day." It's one of those days where we go through the motions of the day, thinking there has to be more to it. That my soul has a destiny, and that destiny will be fulfilled through joy. I will have more and more ascending steps of joy and more intense joy as I go towards this ultimate joy.”
To experience this perfect joy God wills for us, David imparts that our journey must inevitably venture into mysticism, with a willingness to embrace divine silence. We make room for the Holy Spirit by emptying our minds of “everything we think we think and everything we think we know.” Of everything that seemed reasonable, rational and important. When we truly let go of the thoughts of the ‘doer’ and listen to the voice for God instead, all actions flow naturally and spontaneously.
“The spiritual journey is giving the mind permission to experience itself, the beingness, not the doingness” David Hoffmeister
Only profound joy emerges from a life lived spontaneously, when the future is placed in the hands of God! By embracing spontaneity, you allow yourself to be clueless, shedding the stress that often follows the old notions of preparation and personal responsibility. David gleefully lifts a trash can up to the camera, urging that we can crumble up the to-do list and be glad!
“The presence of Christ is not in time,” Linda shares. Once we accept the destiny or pre-arrangement of our lives, we witness a “cosmic dance where everything is perfect and nothing is out of place, regardless of how the external images appear.”
The conversation naturally transitions to the upcoming Mystical Christ Academy (MCA), an 8-week journey brimming with joy and spontaneity. David and Linda delve into the heart of what the Academy has to offer this year. And without a doubt, an immense gift is in store for all who are destined to participate!
Over the course of the 8 weeks, beloveds from around the globe will come together with a sole shared purpose: to transcend the need for learning by directly experiencing the ‘I Am presence.’ Jesus taught us, ‘the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand’ (Matthew 3:2). However, these words from the Gospels serve merely as pointers, David shares. They don’t hold meaning unless we intend to have the experience firsthand!
Through this Academy, Jesus is inviting us to ‘come into the presence of Christ,’ to enter a state of being where our minds are wholly enveloped by God’s love. The team is deeply ignited in this shared purpose. Their hearts are swirling with excitement, eager to discover what the Spirit has in store for the Academy this year.
In alignment with the spirit of joy and spontaneity, the team is not planning the MCA in a traditional way. They simply come together in the prayer “we don’t know, Spirit, show us the way,” with the intention of tuning into inspiration, following guidance and not getting lost in fear thoughts that anything need be prepared. According to Linda, the perfect ideas are miraculously showing up this way, noted onto a whiteboard! David remarks on how playful this is; not trying to adhere to any ritual or structure for the upcoming event.
Reflecting on last year's MCA, what truly stood out for David was the vibrant participation, the spontaneity of each day, and the synergy experienced by both presenters and participants. This year's Academy is expected to embrace the same aliveness by its very nature of spontaneity. Here, everyone can just enjoy the moment and the holy encounters. Ultimately, it all serves as a backdrop for connecting with one another, and as David acknowledges, “the form will look how it looks.”🌟🌀🕊️
✨If you feel a swirl in your heart to be a part of this years Mystical Christ Academy, you can sign up here!: https://programs.the-christ.net/courses/mystical-christ-academy-2024
✨Watch the full interview here!:
Faith, Believe, Belief, Trust
Purpose, Mind Training, Focus, Intention, Calling, Goal, Devotion, Plan