Harmony Unites: Alex Serra and David Hoffmeister’s Serendipitous Encounter at La Casa de Milagros
Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico
On a bright Sunday morning, February 25th, Alex Serra graced La Casa de Milagros with his warm and inviting presence. His purpose? To perform Spirit-inspired melodies through his guitar strings and, more profoundly, to meet David Hoffmeister for the very first time. The entire Living Miracles community gathered in joyful anticipation; a frequency of shared excitement that David aptly described as “a fresh breeze of the Spirit’s love blowing through.” This encounter was no ordinary meeting. It was a cosmic alignment, considering Alex’s decade-long connection to David’s teachings. Their deep connection was evident, as they delved into heart-to-heart conversations, discussing topics both meaningful and mystical.
Alex shared how his transformative journey toward open-heartedness began in 2012, right there in Mexico. At that time, he grappled with a very intense process of healing, feeling trapped in a loop of depression. Like all who step onto the path toward the light, he thought to himself “there must be a better way!” With courage, he prayed for happiness, joy and freedom, purchasing a one-way ticket to Mexico. Alex’s mind began to expand through following out-of-pattern guidance from the Spirit, and drawing inspiration from artists who were uncompromisingly shining their light.
Through this process, he became a channel of direct communication from the divine, allowing magical lyrics to pour through him: “The miracles will flow before your eyes… the physical world dissolves into the sky.”
Both David and Alex reflected on the beautiful synchronicities they’ve encountered by aligning themselves with the organic flow of life. Miracles upon miracles unfolded when their foremost priority was to remain connected to the presence of God within their hearts, residing and moving from a place of inner stillness. David and Alex, two beloved brothers, met in a shared understanding that spaciousness helps to release the role of the ‘doer’ and allows the Spirit to work through them. David likened this wonderful experience to being carried like a twig in a river, letting life show you the inspired way. Deeply connected by their shared purpose, David and Alex see themselves as ‘bringers of light’ to the world, rather than seeking anything from it.
“Our own Holiness,” David emphasized, “is what we are meant to recognize and shine. When you get into that rhythm of listen and follow, the trust grows stronger and you're then living intuitively from your heart.”
The miracle parables shared by both David and Alex were an inspiration for everyone present, serving as a reminder to not put their faith solely in the five senses. As the session concluded, an atmosphere of palpable love, connection, and friendship enveloped the room. This encounter held a profound and transformative power, infused with music, spiritual gems, and authentic connections. Gratitude filled the hearts of all at La Casa de Milagros, recognizing the celestial orchestration that had brought David and Alex together.🌟🎶❤️
✨ Watch the full interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kGAQfCetOk
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Faith, Believe, Belief, Trust
Purpose, Mind Training, Focus, Intention, Calling, Goal, Devotion, Plan