What Does It Mean to Be Still?
“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalms 46:10)
Stillness is the state of mind that allows us to remember our connection with and existence in God. God’s Mind is very still because it has no conflict. Lack of stillness comes from conflict, which must be resolved to achieve inner peace. Without this inner peace and stillness, we cannot reach the ultimate truth of who we are as God’s Son.
The main conflict in the mind relates to uncertainty about our identity. When we make illusions real and engage in egoic thinking, we forget our true identity in God and its timelessness in the holy instant. While we cannot practice the Holy Instant without putting it in the future, we can practice stillness. This helps us uncover hidden conflicts, the ego-made problems designed to distract us from our glory in God. As we disengage from egoic thinking and return our mind to its natural stillness, we start to engage in a genuine, authentic inquiry into who we truly are. This is the only path back to our Creator.
“The angels have been whispering to you ever since you were born into this world. The angels have been around you, reminding you that you are a being of light, a perfect creation of a perfect God.” David Hoffmeister
The Holy Spirit is here to help us unwind our mind from what we think we think about ourselves, others, and the world, as well as from all we believe we need as human beings. Whatever we need to awaken to our eternal Beingness is always provided, and that is all we ever truly need. Believing in unmet needs disrupts the mind's natural stillness, leading to chaotic, egoic thinking that keeps us striving in the world, chasing illusions we think will bring happiness. True happiness is our nature, and we find it by removing all that obscures it.
“You need to be unwound by the Holy Spirit, to loosen up, lighten up from what you believe you are on this earth.” David Hoffmeister
Humans have needs that stem from an enormous sense of lack, which has a single cause: the belief that we have left our Holy Father in Heaven and ventured into the world feeling separate and alone, seeking companionship, food, protection, success, status, and more. Our appetite for “things” is endless because of an insatiable desire deep in our hearts to return Home to Him and feel whole again. However, when we believe we are merely human, the burning desire for God is misinterpreted by ego as bodily needs and impulses, leading to an intense drive to improve the false self, fuelled by feelings of deficiency, inadequacy, and lack.
As David says, God’s angels never leave our side. They constantly whisper in our ears, come Home holy child of God, you don’t belong here. Heaven is your real Home where you don’t have to toil, nor wonder, nor do you have to figure out how to increase your worth. Your worth is determined by God Himself and no amount of sleeping and dreaming can impinge on your worth.
All things work together for good because the Holy Spirit uses everything in form to reach the state of Atonement. This means we never really have to worry about anything or give in to distractions. If absolutely everything will work out in our own best interest, why would we even interfere?
“Meditation starts out with practice. You do have to be vigilant for God and His Kingdom. You do have to work at training your mind to jump off the thought trains, as they say in Buddhism, or to sink beneath the leaves and let the leaves flow over you.” David Hoffmeister
With enough practice, life becomes one long meditation, regardless of what we are doing, who we are with, or what the external environment is like. This is what it means to be still. By calling on God’s name, which is our own, we start to disengage from chaos and engage with Him, ultimately realizing our holy nature. Stillness is the key to seeing our innocence and, with it, the whole truth of our divinity in God.
“Give yourself an opportunity to be in stillness. You can call it meditating, fishing, or sailing on the ocean. Whatever the form is, give yourself that peaceful, easy feeling, that time to decompress, unwind, and relax.” David Hoffmeister

Awakening, Enlightenment, Waking, Self Realization, Self Realized, Wake Up
Christianity, Christian, Bible, Religion
Holy Spirit, Spirit, Voice for God, Intuition, Inner Voice, Guide, Higher Self
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