Frances Xu - A Love Story
“At last the gate of Heaven opens and God’s Son is free to enter in the home that stands ready to welcome him, and was prepared before time was and still but waits for him.” (ACIM, S-3.II.6:4)
Dear Friends and Family,
It is with the deepest love that we share with you the news that our beloved Frances has laid her body aside. Like the caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, Frances has gone through a metamorphosis and is now free of worldly limitations. We know that you may have questions and we have gathered some details below to help provide some answers. We hope that you will be able to join us in the expansive nature of Frances’ passing from the physical realm into her true identity as Spirit.
Frances’ greatest joy was to “share the good news.” On June 30th, 2023, she returned home from Japan following a seven-week international tour of doing just that. Frances’ greatest dream was to travel with her partner, being fully used by the Spirit to extend God’s love. Every part of her trip was guided and supported—from the beginning to the end, it was a happy dream indeed. She was taken care of every step of the way with first-class flights, hotels, loving hosts, walks on the beach, and many opportunities for stillness and prayer. Her purpose was only to be truly helpful. It was the trip of a lifetime and a true celebration of a life without compromise.
Upon returning to her home in Mexico, there were some indications that a checkup with a local doctor was needed to determine whether there was something that needed to be addressed. On July 4th, the doctor recommended an MRI and the results showed that Frances had multiple tumors in her brain. Subsequent tests revealed a cancer that had spread throughout the body, determined to be in “stage 4” upon discovery.
Very swiftly, we began a journey of visiting doctors and hospitals, all with the underlying goal to remember God. All throughout, Frances’ prayer was for true empathy and to be surrounded by those who could see clearly that the body was not a priority of focus. And this is what we invite everyone reading this to join us in now. The Son of God is not a body and we honor our Father by honoring our brothers and sisters’ True Identity as Christ. Of course we allow the healing that arises, and we allow tears to fall, but we see those tears are really tears of deep love and gratitude for a life fully given over to God.
Early on, Frances decided that her direction would not be one of following the medical model as it would have involved chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and months of focus and attention on the body. This was her deepest and final mind training. Frances’ joy was to put the Kingdom of Heaven first and that the truth of who and what she was be revealed through this life experience. The mind was pulled into deep prayer and a letting go of the body identification, and a full acceptance that her function had been fulfilled.
Frances has always demonstrated a full surrender to “what is.” Her message continues to radiate the call to remember that “there is no death.” Her last days were spent in joy, surrounded by prayer, song, and lots of massages, basking in the light of the Holy Instant. She laid her body aside on October 4th, at 7:50pm, surrounded by her mighty companions in love.
To our surprise, we realized that October 4th was St. Francis’ Day. That night, fireworks lit up the night sky in glorious bursts of light and color. There were reports of celebrations unlike anything seen in Chapala before, where the streets were completely lit up in joy! And this is our beloved Frances. She is a celebration of Life. Her spirit radiates eternally the message that the Son of God is free. She is a living demonstration of a “teacher of God.”
This passage from The Song of Prayer, A Course in Miracles reflects her experience in receiving God’s reward for a job well done:
“This is what death should be; a quiet choice, made joyfully and with a sense of peace, because the body has been kindly used to help the Son of God along the way he goes to God. We thank the body, then, for all the service it has given us. But we are thankful, too, the need is done to walk the world of limits, and to reach the Christ in hidden forms and clearly seen at most in lovely flashes. Now we can behold Him without the blinders, in the light that we have learned to look upon again.
We call it death, but it is liberty. It does not come in forms that seem to be thrust down in pain upon unwilling flesh, but as a gentle welcome to release. If there has been true healing, this can be the form in which death comes when it is time to rest a while from labor gladly done and gladly ended. Now we go in peace to freer air and gentler climate, where it is not hard to see the gifts we gave were saved for us. For Christ is clearer now; His vision more sustained in us; His Voice, the Word of God, more certainly our own.
Death is reward and not a punishment. But such a viewpoint must be fostered by the healing that the world cannot conceive.” (S-3.II.2-3/5:5-6)
Also, we would like to share a letter that Frances prepared for her mother to be received after she laid the body aside:
“Mom, I want to tell you that all of this has been predestined by God. This is what I want. I came to this world for this purpose. Understand that we are not our bodies, we are the love of God. We come here with the love of God to fill the whole world with love. This body cannot lock us in. This body is not us.
It is a great honor for me to be born into your family because the purpose of my coming to this world is to love you, love my father, and love my sister. You love me so much and you are so happy to have me by your side. But this is not the only purpose of coming here. I have a greater purpose for coming here. It was an honor to live with David and all my friends for the past period of time. These have been my happiest days and this is also their only purpose, to bring God's love into this world.
In the end, we all return to God's heart. We don't belong here. I have really fulfilled my purpose for coming here. I have been to so many countries and met so many people. All of them have been so kind to me, so thank them for me. They are my true family of God. They came to take me home and they have completed this mission.
So I hope you can also find the Lord. I know that only in the heart of the Lord can we have peace. This is my last wish. Let us thank our Father.”
To those who have received the blessings that Frances has bestowed, thank you so much. It is truly an honor for us all to receive and embrace what her life taught us of true humility and trust in God.
We are about our Father’s business now. This page is for those who may ask for details. We shall move forward and continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ. May you join us in the celebration and full gratitude of our Father’s message of everlasting life.
With Love,
Living Church Ministries
We will leave you with a song that Frances loved, as we let her spirit awaken our hearts:

We have made a Frances Xu – Memoirs of a Mystic page containing writings, videos, and expressions from our hearts. You are warmly invited to visit the page and share from your heart here.