Frances Xu
Memoirs of a Mystic
The past has gone and only the loveliness remains.
Frances Xu – A Love Story

Dear Friends and Family, It is with the deepest love we share with you the news that our beloved Frances has laid her body aside. Read “The Love Story” behind the completion of Frances’ journey on earth.

“Jesus’ name lingers in my mind, day and night.
All of a sudden, his name alone becomes
the answer to everything.”
“Gods love is my home,
And God's love is everywhere.
So I am already Home,
in heaven and on earth.”
“Speak for joy.
Speak to enlarge the joy.
That is the only reason to talk.”
Share a gratitude post
Here you can share your love and appreciation for the gifts that Frances Xu and her teachings brought to your life. ❤️ This is space for giving thanks, and not for questions or discussion, so we invite you to share your message of gratitude.
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David Hoffmeister

Peter Kirk

Linda van der Velden

Jessica Rarey

Erik Archbold

Jason Warwick

Svava Kristín Hoffmeister

Jason Warwick

Lisa Fair

Søren Lyngsgaard

Kirsten Buxton

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