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Holy Relationship Is the Gateway to True Intimacy
Take our 3-part video series on how to experience true intimacy through holy relationship.
☑️ Relax and trust that the right relationships will be given you, without any effort on your part.
☑️ Learn how to have vibrant, present-moment relationships.
☑️ Release your expectations of others and be happy no matter what.
Watch our free 3-part video series below. No email required!

Holy Relationships Are Given
Listen to the prayer of your heart for healing and allow a holy relationship to show up in your life effortlessly.
Let the Holy Spirit Redefine Your Relationships
Let go of expectations in others and experience a freshness and vibrancy in all of your relationships.
Become A
Shining Light
Learn how to tap into the holy instant so you can be a shining light reflecting love onto your brothers and yourself.
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